The Benefits of Green Tea Powder

Unlike black tea, green tea is not fermented but dried and then ground into a very fine powder if you want to obtain matcha. It is therefore not oxidized and therefore contains very powerful active ingredients such as polyphenol. The latter is a small bomb of natural antioxidants which helps fight against free radicals (sun, pollution, smoke, stress, etc.) by boosting the natural production of collagen.

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How to benefit from the benefits of Green Tea for your beauty routine?

If green tea is a very good ally for the proper functioning of our body, it is also very effective on the outside, for our skin. It matches all skin types, even the most sensitive. »Its antioxidant properties will promote good cell oxygenation and renewal. In this way, the skin will be better prepared to defend itself from the sun, fine particles of pollution, cigarette smoke or stress. Green tea powder also brightens the complexion. “It is also a great ingredient for oily and acne-prone skin because the molecules present in green tea have an anti-bacterial action and allow better regeneration and healing of the epidermis,” adds the specialist.

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Green tea powder in particular is one of the favorites and is very effective for ultra-rapid radiance facials. At home, it is also possible to make your own mixture by mixing green tea – of which you would have verified the traceability and its organic certification – with a teaspoon of organic honey. Apply the paste on the face for ten to fifteen minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Enough to nourish and hydrate his skin while offering it an anti-aging shield! It is also possible to apply the moistened and warm leaves of the tea bag, but the active ingredients will diffuse less easily.

Latest Blogs

The Fascinating World of Green Tea Powder: Beyond Its Benefits

The Fascinating World of Green Tea Powder: Beyond Its Benefits

Green tea powder, especially the renowned matcha, has become a staple in the health and wellness sector. However, the allure of green tea powder goes beyond its widely celebrated benefits. Its rich history, meticulous production process, diverse types, and versatile...

What Customers Are Saying

“Stronger and greener Match Tea Brand. This company is great! I would love to say I will order again, but despite my thinking this brand is better quality based on the color and grind, I prefer the effects of Tea brand, because it makes me and my husband less edgy, and more focused. For us, this brand is stronger in the experience of the effects of the stimulant part, and not as strong in the calming effect of the L-theanine. Both my husband and I need the calming effect to be more pronounced than the stimulant effect. We will experiment with the amount we use (1/2 teaspoon) and try 1/4 teaspoon to see if this change produces the effects we want.”

I lost 30lb in about three (3) weeks using Matcha Green Tea Powder. I stand by Matcha Green Tea as the number one ingredient in my weight lost. I believe it was a big booster in my shake diet.”

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